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New Life Community Church is a non-denominational Christian church located in Chico, CA. Originally two separate churches, New Hope Fellowship and Lifespring Church merged to become one church in 2024. Originally agreeing to meet together on Sundays temporarily, both congregations found a connection and common ground with the other. We love Jesus, we love to build relationships with other believers, and we love to serve our community. 


New Life Community Church values the word of God first, and because of His love for us we seek to love and serve each other and our community. We believe that children and teens are important members of our church and are valuable in the eyes of God. Our goal is for our church to feel like a safe harbor, a place to know others and be known, and a place to learn and hear truth. 



Our vision is to see church positively impacting our community and to share the love of Jesus with those around us. We want to see as many people in Chico come to know Jesus as we possibly can, as well as to bless our community both financially and with our time. We seek to be rooted in truth and reality, and to be a church that helps people to form a real, lasting relationship with Jesus and see transformation in their life.

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